
Ciao! I am an Italian physicist and engineer with a strong interest in applied sciences and optimization problems. My research focus has changed a lot over the last few years: from Space Mission Analysis to Complex Networks, Data Science, LLMs, and now Maritime Meteorological Routing. I have yet to find the common denominator, but I know for sure that implementing physics-based and data-driven models fascinates me!

I am a research engineer at Marine Weather Intelligence (MWI), working on the weather routing problem in collaboration with François Septier, from LMBA in Vannes (France), and Antonio Celani, from ICTP in Trieste (Italy). Weather routing involves determining the optimal path for a vessel taking into account dynamic weather conditions, with the goal of minimizing travel time, fuel consumption, or safety risk while avoiding hazardous weather conditions such as storms or high waves.

Before landing in Vannes, I obtained my Master degree in Physics of Data at the University of Padua. During my Master’s thesis, I studied “intelligent” (in the sense of artificial intelligence) multi-agent systems, carrying out research at the interface between LLMs, swarm intelligence, and network science. The work was carried out within the Complex Multilayer Networks Lab, under the supervision of Manlio de Domenico. During the final year of my Master I also had the opportunity to carry out a 3-months research internship in the group of Tiago P. Peixoto at the the Central European University in Vienna. There, I applied generative network models and Bayesian inference to understand and model the behavior of platforms in the Fediverse, an ensemble of federated servers used for web publishing and file hosting.

Beyond my academic and professional pursuits, I am also a passionate handbalancer! This unique discipline, consisting of balancing the body on the hands by forming different shapes, allows me to deeply experience the mechanisms of human learning, which I find extremely fascinating. Here you can find part of a short performance I did some years ago: Handbalance act. In my spare time, I also enjoy hiking, walking, and in general exploring, especially if it involves sailing, flying, or cold bathing in high-altitude lakes.

For more info feel free to check my CV or get in contact with me!