R Programming: advanced statistics and complex systems

Exercises in R of the course Advanced Statistics for Physics Analysis and projects related to the course Statistical Mechanics of Complex Systems.
A.Y. 2021/2022.

View the Project on GitHub NicolaZomer/R_AdvStatistics_and_ComplexSystems

AS4PA final project

As a final project of the course, together with Paolo Zinesi, we implemented a Naive Bayes classifier for Fake News recognition, in the context of social media posts. More information can be found in the repository of the project: Fake News recognition. The resulting Shiny app is available here.

AS4PA exercises

Below you can find all the exercises carried out during the course. To download them in Rmd format, follow the link to the GitHub repository.

Statistical Mechanics of Complex Systems projects

Application of the MaxEnt Principle
The MaxEnt principle can be used to find the less biased probability distribution compatible with a set of constraints, by maximizing the Shannon entropy subject to these constraints. In this project I apply the MaxEnt principle to some data, genered according to a known distribution, using the measured k-th moments as constraints. I consider only one simple discrete case, but in the future it would be interesting to apply this study on well-known continuous distributions such as the Gaussian and the Exponential.

Noise-induced schooling of fish
In this project we want to simulate the dynamics of schools of fish and compare the results with those shown in the article Noise-induced schooling of fish. In particular, we focus on a mean field model based on pairwise interactions.

The project was carried out together with Alberto Coppi.